Design note 4 - what do we mean?
In addition to the similarities between our new icon and the real Northern Lights, we particularly liked some of the themes the Northern Lights icon represented, namely:
In addition to the similarities between our new icon and the real Northern Lights, we particularly liked some of the themes the Northern Lights icon represented, namely:
To complement our dynamic new Northern Lights icon, we needed a strong colour pallette and confident, contemporary font.
The contrasting yet complimentary colours in our logo symbolises our value of diversity and unity. We often talk about 'the same but different' at Beckfoot Trust to acknowledge that whilst we have a very clear One Trust identity and clarity on what remarkable means, we also know that one size does not always fit all.
Perhaps the most important part of our new Beckfoot Trust logo is the icon, shown to the right here.
We call it our Northern Lights.
In nature, the Northern Lights are seen as something unique and truly Remarkable that are associated with the North.
Our Northern Lights icon represents The Beckfoot Trust which is also on a constant journey to Remarkable and is strongly associated with the North of England.
As part of our ongoing Journey to Remarkable we felt it was important to give The Beckfoot Trust a strong, confident and contemporary logo and brand that was worthy of an organisation with such high standards and aspirations.
The new Trust logo was a departure from the previous logo style and was definitely designed with the future in mind.
1.1 This policy sets out the Trust-wide procedures which all schools must operate when planning and leading an educational visit.
1.2 We value inclusive and rigorously planned opportunities for students to learn beyond the classroom. All educational visits enhance the classroom experience and have a clear learning purpose. Educational visits may;
2.1 This policy applies to all educational trips, outdoor learning and adventurous activities carried out with young people. It does not apply to work-experience placements, work related learning or alternative provision.
2.2 The Headteacher has appointed an Educational Visits Co-ordinator (EVC). They will have the training and experience to enable them to competently discharge their responsibilities as listed in the Outdoor Education Advisers Panel (OEAP) guidance and in line with Local Authority procedures, who provide the Education Visits Advice service to Beckfoot Trust. The EVOLVE online system is used to manage and approve trips.
2.3 Key contacts:
2.4 The following legislation and guidance have been used in formulation of this policy:
Educational Visits Co-ordinators and Trip Leaders should have particular reference to the OEAP guidance which is recognised by both the DfE and the Health and Safety Executive.
2.5 This policy should be read and followed in conjunction with other policies as appropriate, in particular:
2.6 Data protection
It is vital for the health, safety and welfare of those involved in trips that relevant information is available to leaders and external providers. The information is used in the planning of a trip and may be needed in the event of an emergency. Our policies allow for appropriate use and secure storage of personal data for these purposes.
3.1 Beckfoot Trust recognises that it is the employer and retains responsibilities for health and safety. It will discharge its duties through the adoption of this policy and retain competent advice, approval, and monitoring through City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council’s (CBMDC) Outdoor Education Service.
3.2 Where there is conflict with non-statutory guidance or advice from other sources clarification should be sought from the Headteacher, the Associate Director of Risk and Compliance and (if required) from CBMDC’s Outdoor Education Service.
4.1.1 The Trust Board:
4.1.2 The Educational Visits Adviser (Bradford Council):
4.1.3 The Associate Director for Risk & Compliance:
4.1.4 The Headteacher is responsible for:
4.1.5 The Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) has overall responsibility for:
The EVC role should be allocated to a member of teaching staff with experience of leading educational visits (preferably on the Senior Leadership Team). If elements of the role are undertaken by a non-teaching member of staff or a less experienced teacher, they must work closely with the EVC who will support them and is the responsible person. Conversely, senior members of staff who undertake the EVC role must be given adequate administrative support.
4.1.6 The Trip Leader has overall responsibility for:
4.1.7 Staff who attend trips are responsible for:
4.1.8 Pupils are responsible for:
4.2.1 Routine acknowledgement: It is not a legal requirement to gain parental consent for school activities for children over nursery age. However, as best practice, consent* will be gained on enrolment for routine local trips and activities which are a part of our normal educational provision during the school day.
4.2.2 Non-routine consent
Consent* will be gained on enrolment for those trips which are non-routine trips and activities and those trips which fall outside of normal hours. However, we will fully inform parents/carers by letter of the nature of each trip, activity, or series of trips of a similar nature (such as swimming lessons). We will remind parents/carers that they have acknowledged this and give opportunity to update information and emergency contact details.
4.2.3 On occasion a curriculum opportunity may become available atshort notice, but we will always notify parents/carers that their child will be offsite.
4.2.4 Specific consent
Consent* will be gained for every individual trip, activity or series of a similar nature which involve a higher level of risk including but not limited to longer journeys, residential trips, and adventurous activities. We will fully inform parents/carers of the nature of each trip, activity, or series of trips of a similar nature.
4.2.5 Medical information
We will use the medical information on record in our Pupil Information Management system alongside any updated information which parents/carers will be given the opportunity to provide for trips and activities. Where trips or activities involve a higher level of risk it may be appropriate for additional medical information and consent forms to be completed.
*Consent may be made in writing or by electronic means such as e-mails, class charts, Microsoft Forms etc.
4.3.1 The Outdoor Education Advisers Panel defines being competent to lead a trip as having ‘demonstrated the ability to operate effectively and has sufficient relevant experience and knowledge of the activities, the group, and the environments in which the trip will take place.’
4.3.2 Educational Visits Co-ordinator The Educational Visits Co-ordinator (EVC) will attend initial training (EVC training validated by the OEAP) and re-training every three years. This is offered regularly by the EVA service at CBMDC. A second member of staff should undertake this training to allow for contingencies.
4.3.3 Trip Leader Training and Supervision Trip Leaders will be approved by the Headteacher and will have attended practical training on trip management and/or receive support and supervision from the EVC. To ensure sustainability of important trips deputy leaders will be appointed in order that contingency plans can be put in place should a Trip Leader be indisposed.
4.3.4 Records will be kept (by the school) of induction, training, relevant qualifications, and competence.
4.4.1 Trip Leaders should follow this policy, guidance, local school procedures (such as behaviour protocols), and template risk assessments (if available and appropriate).
4.4.2 Risk management is a vital part of planning and assessing benefits and risk associated with trips and activities. Sensible risk management relates to identifying significant hazards and mitigating against risk through appropriate control measures. It is not a paperwork exercise but a dynamic process before and during a trip or activity in order that pupils can be kept safe from harm. Generic or event specific risk assessments will be used to record significant findings.
4.4.3 External providers: Wherever possible, Trip Leaders will gain credible assurances of health & safety management systems and quality provision through a Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge. Alternatively, assurances will be gained through a Provider Statement. In all cases, the Trip Leader must ask to see their risk assessments and evaluate that they are fit for purpose. The ‘provider/venue’ risk assessments must be uploaded onto EVOLVE (in the case of risk assessments published on a provider’s website a link will suffice). Advice should be sought from the EVC if the Trip Leader has any doubt as to the quality of the risk assessment.
4.5.1 A web-based system (EVOLVE) is used to facilitate the efficient planning, management, approval, and evaluation of trips. All staff that lead or accompany trips can access their own account which is set up by the Educational Visits Co-ordinator.
4.5.2 The default option is a day visit within the United Kingdom. Trips can be further categorised as follows:
4.5.3 Approval of trips will be made as detailed in the flow charts (below) as required in accordance with OEAP guidance and in line with Local Authority procedures, who provide the Educational Visits Advice service to Beckfoot Trust. Initial approval in principle will also be gained.
4.5.4 Routine trips such as sports fixtures, weekly swimming lessons, routine local walks to low-risk areas still need to be appropriately managed, with risk assessments and suitable and sufficient controls in place. However, the school may choose to manage these outside the EVOLVE system, with the consent and knowledge of the EVC and the Headteacher.
4.5.5 The employer, Beckfoot Trust, retains accountability for school trips. Approval of Educational Trips is delegated to the Headteacher of the school. To provide additional assurance, trips that go abroad, are residential or adventurous in nature must also be ‘approved’ by the Local Authority (using the EVOLVE system). Any advice or comments from the Educational Visits Adviser at the Local Authority must be actioned (and responses recorded on EVOLVE) before the trip can take place.
*These timescales are an absolute minimum. Trips should be thoroughly planned and all information processed on EVOLVE to allow timely approval as soon as practical. For more complex or costly trips the lead in time will be much longer – for instance to secure early bookings and allow for a payment plan to be put in place.
*These timescales are an absolute minimum. Trips should be thoroughly planned, and all information processed on EVOLVE to allow timely approval as soon as practical. For more complex or costly trips the lead in time will be much longer – for instance to secure early bookings and allow for a payment plan to be put in place.
4.8.1 In the case of an incident during a trip all members of staff will follow the emergency response plan for the trip (part of the trip planning). Trip leaders must have a 24-hr emergency contact phone number for a member of the SLT at the school (the first point of contact).
4.8.2 In the case of serious accidents and injuries while on a trip the Trip Leader (or the next in charge if the leader is indisposed/injured) should take the following immediate actions:
4.8.3 If the trip is abroad:
4.8.4 Once the immediate actions needed to manage any danger / safety of the group the following actions should be taken:
4.8.5 Recording the incident:
4.8.6 After the incident:
4.9.1 The Educational Visits Co-Ordinator will ensure that there is a system in place for appropriate monitoring of trips and activities. They will work closely with the Educational Visits Adviser (CBMDC) and the Associate Director of Risk and Compliance (ADRC) as appropriate. A programme of trip evaluations undertaken by the Educational Visits Adviser will be agreed with the ADRC.
4.10.1 Charges for educational off-site trips and adventurous activities, including charges for transport, requests for voluntary contributions and remission of charges are made in line with legislation, DfE guidance and academies funding agreements. Reference should also be made to Beckfoot Trust Charging and Remissions Policy. Charges must be made clear to parents/carers from the offset. Trip leaders must ensure that appropriate provisions are put in place for instalments to be paid and the financial viability of the trip must be monitored throughout. School should not pay balances etc. without first obtaining the appropriate funds.
4.11.1 We endorse the principles for pupils of a presumption of entitlement to participate, accessibility through direct or realistic adaptation or modification and integration through participation with peers.
4.11.2 We acknowledge that it is unlawful to treat a pupil with a protected characteristic less favourably or fail to take reasonable steps to ensure that pupils with protected characteristics and SEND are not placed at a substantial disadvantage without justification.
4.11.3 We also acknowledge that the expectations of staff must be reasonable, so that what is required of them (to include a pupil) is within their competence and is reasonable. Reference should also be made to the SEN and Disability Policy and the Equality and Diversity Policy.
4.12.1 School Behaviour protocols will be explained to pupils and parents/carers before a trip, to reduce the opportunity for misunderstanding both expectations and the sanctions that may be invoked where the policy is breached.
4.12.2 It may be reasonable to exclude a pupil where their behaviour presents a significant, unmanageable, and unacceptable risk to the health, safety and welfare of:
4.12.3 The Equality Act protects people from discrimination and harassment based on the protected characteristics. Where a pupil has a behaviour difficulty that is not associated with a protected characteristic then it is unlikely that the Equality Act applies.
4.12.4 When a pupil is excluded on these grounds, schools should consider providing alternative ways of achieving the same learning outcomes. Where there is some doubt about including or excluding a pupil on the grounds of their behaviour, the following points should be considered:
4.13.1 Safeguarding procedures should be considered as part of the planning process with additional consideration for residential trips. Trip Leaders should:
4.13.2 The current statutory guidance on volunteers, outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) must be followed.
4.13.3 In summary:
4.14.1 Pupils and staff participating in trips and activities will have appropriate insurance arranged by Beckfoot Trust. The standard RPA policy covers most types of trip, including adventurous activities and skiing. However, additional insurance may be required for specific trips / in specific circumstances, in which case parents/carers will be informed and this will be added to the cost.
4.15.1 Careful thought must be given to planning transport to support off-site activities and trips. Staff must follow any guidance provided by the school regarding driving minibuses. Risk assessments and details of transport should be uploaded to EVOLVE.
5.1 This policy is reviewed and amended annually by the Trust. We will monitor the application and outcomes of this policy to ensure it is working effectively