Design note 4 - what do we mean?

In addition to the similarities between our new icon and the real Northern Lights, we particularly liked some of the themes the Northern Lights icon represented, namely:

  • Uniqueness
  • Reaching for high standards
  • Our Trust on a journey to Remarkable
  • Whether you are a student, a teacher or a trusted partner, everyone is on a unique journey, one that will take them to new places and opportunities.

Design note 3 - a bold look

To complement our dynamic new Northern Lights icon, we needed a strong colour pallette and confident, contemporary font.
The contrasting yet complimentary colours in our logo symbolises our value of diversity and unity. We often talk about 'the same but different' at Beckfoot Trust to acknowledge that whilst we have a very clear One Trust identity and clarity on what remarkable means, we also know that one size does not always fit all. 

Design note 2 - our Northern Lights

Perhaps the most important part of our new Beckfoot Trust logo is the icon, shown to the right here.

We call it our Northern Lights.

In nature, the Northern Lights are seen as something unique and truly Remarkable that are associated with the North.

Our Northern Lights icon represents The Beckfoot Trust which is also on a constant journey to Remarkable and is strongly associated with the North of England.

As part of our ongoing Journey to Remarkable we felt it was important to give The Beckfoot Trust a strong, confident and contemporary logo and brand that was worthy of an organisation with such high standards and aspirations.

The new Trust logo was a departure from the previous logo style and was definitely designed with the future in mind.

Early Career Teacher Policy

In this document

1.0 Policy statement

1.1. Beckfoot Trust offers induction to early career teachers (ECTs). This policy sets out how we aim to manage this personalised programme to support an early career teacher during their induction, to satisfactorily meet the Teachers’ Standards by the end of this period. This induction will be underpinned by the provisions of the Early Career Framework (ECF).

1.2. This policy has been implemented following consultation with the recognised trade unions. It has been formally adopted by the Trust Board.

1.3 This policy does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment, and it may be amended at any time following consultation.

2.0 Scope and purpose

2.1. This policy has been developed to comply with current relevant legislation and the statutory guidance ‘Induction for early career teachers (England)’.

3.0 Overarching principles

3.1. Beckfoot Trust is committed to ensuring consistency of treatment and fairness. It will abide by all relevant equality legislation, including the duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled employees. The Governing Body is aware of the guidance on the Equality Act 2010 issued by the Department for Education

3.2 The induction process and assessments generated will be treated confidentially. The induction process and assessments generated will be treated confidentially, and we will ensure that arrangements are in place to facilitate this, including the secure transfer of data between us and the appropriate body. Information relating to an ECT’s induction process will only be shared with those directly involved in the induction process, and Trustees as a general report on progress, which can be requested on a termly basis.

4.0 Responsibilities and arrangements

4.1 Prior to starting induction

4.1.1 We will follow our Recruitment and Selection Policy in the recruitment of an ECT, including carrying out all relevant pre-employment checks and that the ECT has been awarded QTS. The ECT should provide evidence that they have QTS and are eligible to start induction.

4.1.2 We will identify and agree an organisation to act as the appropriate body in accordance with the guidance and will notify them of the appointment of the ECT. The appropriate body, who has the main quality assurance role within the induction process, will determine a start date for induction which will be agreed with us and the ECT in advance. The appropriate body should provide the ECT with a named contact with whom to raise concerns if they are unable to resolve via their induction tutor (see paragraph 4.1.5 below) and will also notify the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) of the ECT’s appointment.

4.1.3 The Headteacher will agree with the appropriate body whether the post offered for the ECT to serve induction in is suitable for this purpose, in order to facilitate a fair and effective assessment of the ECT against the Teachers’ Standards. This will include ensuring that the post:

  • provides the necessary tasks, experience and support to demonstrate satisfactory performance against the Teachers’ Standards;
  • will provide the ECT with an ECF based induction programme;
  • will not make unreasonable demands upon the ECT;
  • will involve the ECT regularly teaching the same classes, normally within the age range and/or subject of the post that they have been employed to teach;
  • involve similar planning, preparation and assessment processes to other teachers in the Trust;
  • will not present unreasonably demanding discipline problems on a day-to-day basis;
  • will not involve additional non-teaching responsibilities without appropriate preparation and support.

4.1.4 We will ensure that in the first year of induction (terms 1-3), there will be a reduced timetable of no more than 90% of other main pay range teachers to undertake induction activities. In addition, during the second year (terms 4-6) there will be a reduced timetable of no more than 95% of other main pay range teachers to undertake induction activities. The ECT will agree with their induction tutor how best to use their reduced timetable allowance. This is in addition to the timetable reduction received for planning, preparation, and assessment (PPA) time.

4.1.5 The Headteacher will appoint an induction tutor for the ECT who is expected to hold QTS, and who has the necessary skills and knowledge to provide regular support and guidance and assess the ECT’s progress against the Teachers’ Standards and will ensure that they are appropriately trained and have sufficient time to carry out the role effectively. This role may be carried out by the Headteacher. The induction tutor will meet with the ECT at the start of the programme to discuss and agree priorities for their induction and will be responsible for day to day monitoring and support, and coordinating of assessment. If the ECT has any concerns about their induction programme, they should be raised with the induction tutor who will seek to resolve them.

4.1.6 In addition, the Headteacher will appoint a designated mentor who is expected to hold QTS and have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide effective mentoring and have sufficient time to carry out the role effectively. The mentor will provide regular one-to-one structured, mentoring sessions to support the ECT during their induction and provide effective targeted feedback. This role may be carried out by the Headteacher. This is a separate role to that of the induction tutor and it is expected that it should be carried out by a different individual; in exceptional circumstances, a single teacher may fulfil both roles and where this is the case, adequate safeguards will be put in place to ensure that the mentoring support offered by the designated mentor is not conflated with the assessment role carried out by the induction tutor.

4.2 The induction period

4.2.1 The minimum length of the induction period will normally be the full time equivalent of two standard school years (usually six school terms based on a school year of three school terms). Where the ECT has or is serving some of the induction period in another setting, or in non-standard settings such as in the FE sector, the appropriate body will determine the equivalence to two school years. We will also follow the statutory guidance in relation to any special circumstances which may apply, to reduce or extend the induction period.

4.2.2 Where an ECT is part time, this will be the full time equivalent of two standard school years. We will agree with the appropriate body a fair length of induction for each ECT if appropriate, taking account of the ECT’s working pattern. In line with the provisions of the statutory guidance, a part time ECT may be able to have their induction period reduced in cases where they have completed a period covering but not equivalent to two full school years and can demonstrate that they meet the Teachers’ Standards.

4.2.3 Where an ECT applies for a post that is fixed term or temporary, continuous employment in posts of a minimum of one term or more may count towards the induction period.

4.2.4 Where an ECT is eligible to carry out short-term supply work and is undertaking short term supply work of less than one term, this cannot count towards induction. However, if it becomes clear that short-term supply work will be extended beyond one term, an induction programme will be put in place. The start date of the induction programme cannot be backdated.

4.3 Monitoring, support and assessment during the induction period

4.3.1 Monitoring and support will take place throughout the induction period. This will be structured to meet the professional development needs of the ECT. It will include a programme of ECF based training, ongoing support and guidance from the induction tutor, regular mentoring provided by the designated mentor, the ECT observing other teachers either in this Trust or another appropriate institution where effective practice has been identified and the following, which the ECT should keep track of and participate in effectively:

  • A programme of ECF based training, embedded as a central aspect of induction that enables the ECT to understand and apply the knowledge and skills set out in the ECF evidence statements and practice. The Headteacher will determine which of the three approaches set out in the statutory guidance will best suit the needs of the ECT and their mentors. We recognise that the ECF is not an assessment tool.
  • The induction tutor or another suitable internal or external person with QTS will regularly observe the ECT’s teaching against the Teachers’ Standards, at least once per cycle. Following observation, the observer will notify the ECT in advance of the requirement to attend a post-observation review meeting to provide prompt and constructive feedback and a brief written record will be made of the feedback given at the meeting. Any development needs will be identified and supported.
  • The induction tutor will carry out a professional progress review based on the evidence of the ECT’s teaching, taking place in each term where a formal assessment (see 5.1.4) is not scheduled. A written record of each progress review will be retained and provided to the ECT, stating whether the ECT is on track to complete induction, summarising the evidence collected and the agreed development targets. As a result, objectives may be reviewed to take account of the needs and strengths of the ECT. The induction tutor will update the Headteacher after each progress review and will notify the ECT and appropriate body on whether they are making satisfactory progress.
  • A formal assessment will normally be carried out in the final term of the first year and the final term of the second year, by the Headteacher or the induction tutor. We will agree with the ECT exactly when these assessment dates will be. The assessment will use evidence gathered from the ECT’s work as a teacher, from their induction programme, and may require input from other colleagues as appropriate. Copies of the evidence used will be provided to the ECT and the appropriate body. The person carrying out the formal assessment will complete a formal assessment report showing an assessment of the ECT’s performance against the Teachers’ Standards. The ECT will have an opportunity to add their comments to each of the formal assessment reports, which will then be signed by the induction tutor, the Headteacher (if they are not the induction tutor) and the ECT. The ECT will be provided with the original, which they should retain, and a copy will be sent to the appropriate body shortly after each meeting.

4.3.2 Performance will be assessed against the Teachers’ Standards throughout and at the end of the induction period, based on what can reasonably be expected of an ECT at that stage of their induction and taking in to account the work context, within that framework. Evidence for assessments will be drawn from the ECT’s work as a teacher during their induction. Formal assessment meetings should be informed by evidence gathered during progress reviews and assessment periods leading up to the formal assessment, using existing documents.

4.4 Leaving or joining part way through induction

4.4.1 If an ECT joining the school is part way through their induction period and has carried out part of their induction at another institution, the Headteacher will contact the ECT’s previous appropriate body to:

  • Obtain copies of any progress review records or assessment reports;
  • Establish how much induction time remains to be served.

4.4.2 If, as a result of 4.4.1 above, it is established that any concerns have been raised about the ECT’s progress by previous employer(s), the Headteacher will alert the appropriate body of this Trust.

4.4.3 If an ECT is due to leave a post with us after completing one term or more, but before the next formal assessment or the final assessment at the end of the induction period would have been carried out, then the Induction Tutor or Headteacher will complete an interim assessment before they leave in order to ensure that their progress since the last assessment is captured. This will include any concerns about progress which may have arisen (see paragraph 4.5 below).

4.4.4 If the induction period is extended by the appropriate body after completion, and the ECT leaves before completing the extension, the Headteacher will complete an interim assessment.

4.4.5 The Headteacher will notify the appropriate body that the ECT has left before completing induction, or if the induction period is extended and the ECT leaves before completing the extension.

4.5 Absences during the induction period

4.5.1 If an ECT is absent during induction for a period of 30 days or more per year of induction or equivalent for part time teacher, the Headteacher will notify the appropriate body as soon as the absences total this number. The induction period will automatically be extended by the same number of total aggregate days of absence, as long as this extension can be served in the same setting. If the extension cannot be served at this setting for any reason, then the ECT would need to serve the minimum period of one term or equivalent in a new setting.

4.5.2 Paragraph 4.5.1 above does not apply to statutory maternity leave, statutory paternity leave, shared parental leave, statutory adoption leave, or parental bereavement leave, in which case the ECT can decide whether or not to extend the induction period to reflect the number of days absent and it is recommended that they seek advice before deciding. If the ECT chooses to extend the induction period, this request will be granted, and their performance will be assessed against the Teachers’ Standards.

4.6 Where there are concerns

4.6.1 If it becomes apparent during progress reviews, that the ECT is not making satisfactory progress against the Teachers’ Standards, the induction tutor should state this clearly in the progress review record and outline the support plan to be put in place to assist the ECT in getting back on track. The induction tutor is expected to notify the appropriate body of this determination and share both the progress review record and support plan for the appropriate body to review.

4.6.2 If during the first formal assessment, it becomes apparent that the ECT is not making satisfactory progress, we will inform the appropriate body and the Headteacher should ensure appropriate measures are put in place immediately and will:

  • make clear the areas in which improvement is needed;
  • give the ECT the opportunity to comment on and discuss the concerns;
  • find out of there are any issues (both in or outside of work) that are affecting their performance that the induction tutor or another appropriate person can assist with or provide support;
  • put in place additional monitoring and any support that will be provided to help address the specific areas and improve their performance;
  • set appropriate objectives to guide the ECT towards satisfactory performance against the Teachers’ Standards;
  • make clear how, and by when, progress will be reviewed, giving every opportunity for improvement.

4.6.3 If the ECT’s progress is still unsatisfactory in subsequent progress reviews following the first assessment point, induction tutors should continue to deliver progress reviews, including reviewing and revising the ECT’s objectives and support plan, linking these with the Teachers’ Standards and sharing with the ECT, headteacher and appropriate body.

4.6.4 If there are still concerns between formal assessment one and two, despite the additional monitoring and support measures put in place, the Headteacher will discuss the following with the ECT, brief details of which will be included on the formal assessment report:

  • the identified weaknesses and the evidence used to inform the judgement;
  • give the ECT the opportunity to comment on and discuss the concerns;
  • the agreed objectives previously set and review progress, either by setting new and clear objectives or by updating current objectives;
  • the additional monitoring and support put in place and put in place any further monitoring and support that will be provided to address the specific areas and improve their performance;
  • details of the improvement plan for the next assessment period;
  • the consequences of failure to complete the induction period satisfactorily.
  • As with all progress reviews, the progress review record should capture the ECT’s unsatisfactory performance against the Teachers’ Standards and be shared with the appropriate body alongside the corresponding support plan.

4.6.5 If the concerns about the ECT’s progress are very serious, we may instigate formal capability proceedings in line with our Capability Policy, which may lead to dismissal before the end of the induction period. The induction process set out in this policy will continue alongside the capability procedure and we will inform the appropriate body. This will not prevent the ECT from completing induction at another institution, as the ECT will not have completed a full induction period in order for a decision to be made by the appropriate body whether or not the ECT has failed to satisfactorily complete induction.

4.7 Completion of induction period

4.7.1 A final assessment will normally be carried out at the end of the induction period, by the Headteacher or the induction tutor on an assessment date agreed with the ECT. The assessment will make use of evidence gathered from the ECT’s work as a teacher and from their induction programme during the preceding assessment period and may require input from other colleagues, as appropriate. Any judgements made will relate to the Teachers’ Standards, based on what can reasonably be expected of an ECT by the end of their induction period, and considering the work context, within that framework. Copies of the evidence used will be provided to the ECT and the appropriate body.

9.2 Following the final meeting, the Headteacher or the Induction Tutor carrying out the final assessment, will complete a final assessment report which will include a recommendation to the appropriate body as to whether the ECT’s performance against the Teachers’ Standards is considered satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or whether an extension should be considered.

9.3 The ECT will have an opportunity to add their comments to the final assessment report, which will then be signed by the induction tutor, the Headteacher (if they are not the induction tutor) and the ECT. The ECT will be provided with the original, which they should retain, and a copy will be sent to the appropriate body within 10 working days of the final assessment meeting.

9.4 The appropriate body will make the final decision as to whether or not the ECT’s performance against the Teachers’ Standards is satisfactory within 20 working days of receiving the final assessment report from us, drawing on the recommendation of the Headteacher made in the formal assessment report and all available evidence. They will then notify the ECT and us of the decision in writing, within three working days of making the decision. The decision will either be that the ECT:

  • Has performed satisfactorily against the Teachers’ Standards and so has completed their induction period; or
  • Requires an extension of the induction period; or
  • Has failed to satisfactorily complete the induction period.

9.5 If the decision is to extend the period of induction or that the ECT has failed their induction period, the appropriate body will also notify the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) within 3 working days.

4.8 Right to appeal to the appeals body

4.8.1 If the appropriate body extends the induction period or decides that the ECT has failed to satisfactorily complete the induction period, the ECT has the right of appeal against that decision within 20 working days of the decision to the Appeals Body, which is the TRA. The appropriate body will inform the ECT of their right of appeal and how to exercise that right.

4.9 Failure to complete induction and dismissal

4.9.1 Failure to complete the induction period satisfactorily means that the ECT is no longer eligible to be employed as a teacher in a relevant school, which includes maintained schools and non-maintained special schools.

4.9.2 Beckfoot Trust has decided to follow the principle of the Regulations in relation to an ECT who has failed induction working in a relevant school and apply them to our Trust. Therefore, we will normally dismiss an ECT who has failed induction:

  • Within 10 working days of the ECT giving notice that they do not intend to exercise their right to appeal; or
  • Within 10 working days from when the time limit for making an appeal expires, without an appeal being brought; or
  • Within 10 working days of being told the outcome of an appeal where an appeal is heard, and the outcome of the appeal is that the ECT is judged as having failed induction.

5.0 Retention and data protection

5.1 As part of the application of this policy, the organisation may collect, process and store personal data in accordance with our data protection policy. We will comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Legislation (being (i) the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (unless and until the GDPR is no longer directly applicable in the UK) and any national implementing laws, regulations and secondary legislation, as amended or updated from time to time, in the UK and then (ii) any successor legislation to the GDPR or the Data Protection Act 1998, including the Data Protection Act 2018). Records will be kept in accordance with our GDPR, Data Protection and FOI policy that includes our Workforce Privacy Notice and our Retention and Destruction procedure and in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Legislation.

6.0 Review of policy

6.1 This policy is reviewed and amended annually by the Executive and in consultation with the recognised trade unions. We will monitor the application and outcomes of this policy to ensure it is working effectively