Academic Progress
Academic Progress, Attitude to Learning and Interventions
Student progress is monitored very carefully in our Sixth Forms. Beckfoot Trust Sixth Form uses ALPS (A Level Performance System) to generate aspirational A Level target grades for students. We want and expect all students to aim high and support this through outstanding opportunities and high-quality teaching.
In the first instance we expect students to take control of their own learning and progress. Students are explicitly taught the skills of organisation and study and are expected to know and own their targets.
We formally monitor student progress at three points during the year as well as parents’ evenings.
Most students make the progress required of them with sustained effort and application.
We do not underestimate how challenging Level 3 Study is!
However, when students are not making the academic progress of which they are capable we will intervene either at a subject or sixth form faculty level.
We will contact home and ensure that parents know how they can best support their child and will then explain the menu of interventions that we will be putting in place in school. It is important to note that intervention works best when student, parent and school work together.
These interventions will be supported by evidence from data collections and assessments. School will as much as possible support and expect students to engage to get back “on track”.
Students who continue to make unsatisfactory progress will continue to be monitored but may at this point be placed on a formal support strategy. These strategies are personalised and bespoke to an individual student.